Academy {Main Thread}

(bruh moment)


“Class VI? It’s just… some class problems…”
She desperately wipes her tears off, attempting to appear dignified… but of course, it doesn’t work.

“It’s… none… hic! of your business…” She says within sniffles.

Loa Rogers
Noble - Year 1 Class II - Terrion

“Cmon. It’s ok. If it’ll make you feel better our class isn’t getting together that well either. So it’s not uncommon it seems”

Faustus sighs. This seems exactly what Linde was talking about. “Let me guess, were you fighting with Class I?”

She doesn’t listen at first, shaking her head, walking blindly forward into Faustus, and falls back.
And upon hearing Faustus’ words, she nods, tears streaming down her face. It seems to be related to the incident between the 2 noble classes.

Perhaps they could talk it over at the infirmary or canteen? The infirmary would be quiet, while the canteen would be a good talking spot.

“Would you like to talk about this somewhere else?” Matija offers his hand to help her get up

“At least, let’s get away from them.” Faustus looks at the second years. They’re supposed to help kids get along, but it’s the complete opposite. Maybe they want the 2 classes to fight for entertainment value?

Though, you know Loggins and Friedel… you haven’t really seen them today. It is strange how the second years won’t have any involvement in the classes themselves.

Loa nods, looking up.
“Thank you-” She attempts words between her sobs. Seems like she wasn’t one of the stubborn stuck-up ones.

Faustus looks at Matija. “We head to the Gym, or maybe the Canteen. Still haven’t eaten yet, but the Gym should be empty.”

“Where do you want to head?” Matija asks Loa

“Th- Gym- Fencing Room- would- suffice…” She sniffed.
She’s still attempting to put up a strong front.
She probably wanted somewhere with no people.

“Works me me. Faustus lead the way”

“Fine by me.” Faustus leads the 2 to the gym, opening then closing the door after they’re inside. He also checks to see if Linde and Vivi are gone.

They have gone, as you have seen them go off. All three enters the room, and Faustus closes the door behind them. They all sit in the fencing court.

Loa closes her eyes, shaking her head.
“I’ll be fine… Just give me a moment.”
She still sniffles.

“Take your time, we have all day.” Faustus is still calm. It’s almost like he’s dealt with this before.

“So i assume it was something about the field study groups and the man’s group was filled with commoners no?”

“I heard from others that it was a rivalry between nobles.”

She shakes her head.
“No… my class is split into 2, following either Philips or Donggol.”
She doesn’t seem to be in the mood to introduce herself yet. What she has done, however, is that she is from a class of nobles.

“Donggol declared a rivalry with Class I. Thus then, they have been on bad terms ever since. Every time I walk into the classroom, it’s like a oil rig waiting for a spark to ignite. And the field studies… I cannot see it going well. The conflict with Class I isn’t helping either.”
She buries her face into her hands.
“I feel so helpless…”

“What’s Phillips like?”

“You… just saw him a while back.” She replies.
She looks down again.
“He abhors any of Donggol’s followers. He just can’t. Our class…”