Academy {Main Thread}

(You’re on first floor. I’m on third floor. You can’t see me)

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(Fak you’re right, just ignore that)
Faustus shrugs at something he must’ve heard, then walks inside the dining hall, wanting to see the what’s on the menu for today.

Magnus glances around, still breathing heavily. He heads down to the First Floor, trying to keep out of sight.

James enters the dormitory and sees Faustus. “Hey.”

Magnus ducks out of the way to avoid James, stepping into the shadows under the stairs.

“Oh hey, how’s it been?”

“Not much. Hey Elise. Hey Ferris.”

(Btw, people, make sure you guys describe the action they take, instead of just stating the action. Sometimes it’s really tough for me to visualize your character’s action, and I could make mistakes. If I don’t reply, it means I haven’t touched your reply OR I absolutely missed it being the blunder I am.)


(this times a thousand, i’d rather wait ten minutes for a really good post than wait 5 for a shit one)

“Good evening.”
Munchkin Ferris is Munching on another piece of bread, getting crumbs all over her clothes…

“It’s really cute to see Ferris this quiet.” Elise remarks, smiling.

“You guys looking forward to the field trip?”

(So this not good enough?)

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“Indeed. I am. I didn’t expect to return home this soon, however.” Elise replies, nodding her head slightly. She had, as usual, two hands in front of her, signifying the dignity of what one called a noble.

Ferris, on the other hand, does not respond. She is too busy crunching on the bread, making a mess of herself… And a particularly big chunk drops onto the ground. Usually, the girl would scream at the food being dropped onto the ground, but today… was different.

She scooped the chunk up with her bare hands and was going to bite in. “Ferris, you can’t eat that anymore.” Elise remarks, patting her head.
And… Ferris returns the remark with puppy eyes, as like floodgates struggling to hold back a raging storm of water. “B-but…”

She proceeded to munch on the bread anyway. Elise sighs, Ferris was hopeless when it comes to food anyway. They could blame Karen for making the snack too good, but that’s not really an option…

“Besides. Group A is heading to the town of Tempor, right?”

Magnus walks out the door of the dormitory, not trying to hide his presence. He walks quickly.
(This better be enough)

“Yeah, we’re going to Tempor. I’ve never been down there, so I’m hopefully going to enjoy my time there. And pray our group doesn’t implode in itself, but that goes for both of us, I guess.” Faustus remarks, strolling over to grab a piece of bread, and stopping to bite into it, still maintaining a noble-like way of eating.

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“Magnus used to live in Tempor,” James says, distracted. He didn’t notice Magnus leave. “You’ll be fine.”

Magnus walked away from the dormitory. He looked around for anyone that was near him.

Faustus holds his hand in front of his mouth as he speaks. “That’s true, I guess we will see.”

You looked around… And around… and you didn’t really note the people in front of you. You walk right into a white coat man. You stumble backwards by the surprise…

“Whoah there. My bad, you okay?” He raises his hand out to you, intending to help you.

(He walks quickly, I guess its a pass…? I was hoping for a tad bit more comprehensive English than this though. For eg, as Ferris caused an awkward situation, he made use of it to quickly step towards the exit. Hoping that no one notices him.)

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