Academy {Main Thread}

“From what I have heard from my seniors, the trip will comprise of 3 tasks that we have to complete in the span of 2 or 3 days. Unless we finish the tasks fast, I doubt we would be able to relax.” Elise says, crossing her arms and narrowing her eyes.

“Fine by me as well, then I don’t have to sit through a history lesson about tempor by Professor Neptune.” Faustus swallows his food, nodding in approval of the taste and quality.

“Delicious… Nmm…” You hear Ferris echo in the background, though she’s standing by Elise’s side.

Isn’t Elise from Tempor?

Magnus grabbed his hand, accepting the help. “Thanks,” He says, trying to sound nonchalant. “Who are you?”
(Is this the same man Sara was talking to?)

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And with that Faustus turns to look at Ferris, confused, but only showing it with a tilt of the head. He then just takes a deep breath in and out and shrugs, then grabs another piece of bread, slowly eating it to savor the taste.

“I’ve never been to Fallair. This may be a problem.”

“Just a stranger you bumped into in the middle of the street. Who knows?”

He had striking blonde hair, spiked upwards and he didn’t seem at all dangerous… not with his natural smile and relaxed physique.

And… Ferris finishes her bread. After a brief moment of realising her bread was completely in her stomach, she closes her eyes and does a brief cough.
“Ahem. Excuse me.”

“It’s truly amazing how she changes with food in her mouth.”

“I get the feeling,” Magnus says slowly. “That you’re more powerful than you look. After all, Sara was like that, and you’re clearly friends.”

“Hopefully the next monster we fight isn’t made of chocolate, or we’re screwed.” Faustus smiles, still munching on his piece of bread. He swallows it quickly, and steps away from the food, not keen on grabbing much more.

“Oh. You’re quite the sharp one, I see.”

Toval Randoneul

??? - Tempor - ???
??? -

“Then you must be one of Sara’s students. Nice to meet cha. Name’s Toval. Don’t think about it too hard.”

Your parents did mention the name Toval more than just a few times in voyages. He probably is someone you could contact.

“Oh yeah, where to to the dorms? Knowing Sara, she’s gonna chew me out if I’m late. Can’t have that happening.”

“H-hey! I just can’t help myself!”
It’s a wonder how she hasn’t fattened up yet.

“But, hey, isn’t Elise from Tempor?”

“I don’t remember. Why don’t we ask her?” And with that he casually strolls up to Elise, asking “Hey Elise, you said you were from Tempor, right?”

“Indeed, I am.” Elise looks surprised, not knowing where the conversation would go. She raises an eyebrow, puzzled by the sudden interest in her hometown.

Though you COULD ask her on how Tempor is like.

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“What’s it like down there? Just wanted to get some prior knowledge.”

“The dorms are that way.” he pointed to the dormitory. “I don’t think she’s there, though.”

Her puzzlement faded, and she nods in response to Faustus’ request.
“My town is a fairly small one. It is by the ocean, about 5 hours of travel time through train. This is my home, and I’ll be glad to tell you everything about it.”

“Go ahead, I would be content hearing it all.”

“The town is often shrouded in a mist, so it can be seen as mysterious at times.”
She then started talking about the town.

Location List

Borealia Family Mansion - Small in comparison to other Mansions.
Grover’s Goods and Weapons - Reliable traders and kind people.
Residential Area - Houses around 100 people
Docks - Where the fishermen haul their catch back.
Temporis Castle - A historical castle that is heralded as part of the First Emperor’s first conquest.
Tempor Bracer Guild - The only one in the empire that has not closed down yet.
Grace’s Innery and Foodings - Recommended by Elise. Good food.
Borealia’s Alchemy Cottage - Where the Radiant Alchemist works on research, a safe haven where she fufils requests from the town. Also sells many amazing goods.

“There is a highway that connects directly to Fallair, but we don’t really use that anymore because of the visibility issues by the fog.”

“Interesting. It’s still kind of surprising though that one of the top noble houses doesn’t have a massive mansion.”