Academy {Main Thread}

“Wait… why does that seem weird… no matter…”
It seems that in her panic, she didn’t really hear you call her “Venus”.

“It seems that I’ll be paired with you, Matija.” Elise walks over to the boy, with her staff in tow.

Anyone up for the instructor’s challenge?

Faustus turns back to Ferris, and says, “Anyway, I don’t think we had the chance to formally introduce ourselves. I am Faustus Duilius, commoner from Terrion.” He offers his hand to shake, as if it was customary.

“Awwww, crap, I have to fight.”

“That works for me, used to being pick last for these kinds of things”

“Um, can you tell me how to use a sword?”

“You see, I never learned how to fight. That’s why I uh joined. You know right? You know how to fight?”

“I know how to swing a sword and use a bayonet and thats the extent of my fighting training honestly”

“Yeah…Same with me.”

“We can’t beat her,” Magnus muttered.

“You for sure arent going to beat her with that attitude!”

“How about you fight her now?” Magnus asks, and then says quietly so Sara doesn’t hear him, “be surprising.”

“Luckily for me, I am very very stubborn, and I like to do stupid things. Alright my turn to fight!”

“Isn’t It Faustus And Elise?” Magnus asks.

“Nope, I’m being stubborn right now, and I really want to use a sword!”

“Two swords versus a gun,” Magnus notes. “Fantastic.”

“Only a fool brings a knife to a gun fight, but a genius brings a blade to a gun fight!”

Matija attempts to stifle his laughter

“Wrong,” Magnus pointed out.

“I’m gonna prove you wrong, just you wait.”
Hunter grabbed out his new steel blade ready for battle.

“We’ll see about that, bud.” Faustus jokes, able to suppress his internal laughter.