Academy {Main Thread}

“Never. I merely put my heart and soul into my practice, and everything I put in, will come back out. It’s also why my battle weapon is a violin.”

She smiles.
Vivi hops out from the storeroom.

“Your weapon is a violin? SEriousLY?” The hyperactive girl yelps in surprise. Honestly, after all this time, you would have gotten used to her enthusiasm.

“Oh hey. Vivi. Was wondering where you were.”
“Wait-Hold up, your weapon’s a violin?”

Matija leaves where they were and behind to walk over to the Engineering Club building (aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)

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begins to*

“Yep. She’s a beast with it too, who knew a violin could hurt so much?”
Rick walks in. Sighing.
“Ah, so Rinea comes and whacks the boys out of comission when they’re naughty?” Vivi suggests, a grin on her face.
“Vivi, not more wild theories please.” Rinea sighs.

You walk to the Engineering Club…
You notice a weird thing with 2 wheels. Is that for riding? What?
The door is unlocked.

Matija walks in. Probably one of his inventions

You enter to see George and an unknown girl in a full body leather suit talking to one another.


Class V - Engineering Club - Commoner

“Vivi, I’m pretty sure every girl does that.”

“Hey George. You have any spare sepith around?” Matija just keeps his thoughts to himself

“Oh, to you? You aren’t naughty, but you’re really dumb.” She remarks, sticking her tongue out slightly.

“Now Vivi.” Rick mutters, low enough to send a chill down Vivi’s spine.
“Time to do your violin practice.”
“Aye, yes siree!”

“Hey, Matija. The sepith is in the storeroom. You know where to get them.”

“Oh. Is that a new member of the club?” The lady asks. “Let me have a good look at you.”

She walks to Matija and tilts his chin up to have a proper look, all without any warning.

“I should start practicing too.”
(I have no idea what instrument Hunter should play.)

(Your choice. As long as its a proper instrument, you can practice it.)

“George who’s your lady friend here?”

Hunter went to practice using his saxophone.

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“He’s quite a cutie. He would make for good reference material.”

“Now, Angel, please don’t mix your dreams into reality…” George sighs, prying her away from the noble.

“Sorry about that, she’s a real weirdo.” George explains.

Angel Liane

Year 2 Class III - Unaffliated - A very… liberal lady. Has a tendency to lump guys together. Very confident.

“I appreciate the compliment. Also George what’s that two wheeled thing outside” Matija goes to the storeroom and grabs enough for a quartz

Rinea guided all the people in the room, with the help of Rick.

Hunter starts playing the saxophone. Does it sound good? Well yes, but actually no.

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