Academy {Main Thread}

“Hold on one second.” Matija racks his brain trying to remember “Karen!” Matija lets out a grin

“Morning Karen” Faustus yawns.

The maid in question widened her eyes, even for just a little, before bowing gracefully.
“It’s been a while, Master Majita. I pray you are in good health.”
She smiles.

More importantly, what was she doing here? She never appeared here before…?

“I have been well. Have your matter been attended to?”

“Wait, I don’t think I even know you.” Faustus thinks hard. He turns to Matija “How do you know her?”

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“Former house maid of my house. She’s very good at her job. So if she’s here to be a maid I have no doubts she’ll take care of this dorm very well.” Matija smiles, clearly happy to see am familiar face

“Ah, that makes sense.” Faustus smiles, though seeming a bit weak. He turns to Karen “Anyway, I am Faustus, Faustus Duilius, Commoner from Terrion.”

“Yes. My matters have been resolved. Thank you for your concern. And it’s a pleasure to meet you, Master Faustus.”

She bows.
“My name is Karen Liane. Please call me Karen.”

She then brings them to the dining room, where pumpkin soup and bread lay. It was still hot and the smell, mmm… delicious. Better than eating out, that’s for sure.
“Today’s menu consists of pumpkin soup with bread. A healthy nourishment for the start of the day.”

“As much as i appreciate the food we have something to attend. As soon as we come back we will eat ok Karen?”

“Indeed. I have packaged two servings just for you and Master Faustus.”
She holds up two soup canisters, with a compartment at the bottom storing bread.

“Please, let me escort both of you to the Academy Field. Sara has requested my presence there as well.”


“That is fine by me. Shall we head there?”

The maid prepares to head off… But are there any places you want to stop by before you head off? And oh, passing by the town square, you see one of your classmates, Fie, sleeping on a bench.

“Anything pressing you need to get?” Matija asked Faustus

“No, I’m fine, but thanks for asking. Let’s get there in case we’re late.”

The three of them heads out.

And they pass by the town square, where you see a classmate, Fie, sleeping on a bench, curled up like a cat. Not a bad spot too, under the shade of a tree.

(Fie is a her.)

“We should probably wake them up” Matija says

“Yeah, I can get it.” Faustus walks over to Fie and shakes her shoulder, attempting to wake her up.

“Mm… Hah…”
She opens her eyes.
“Oh. Hey Faustus… Is it time already?”
She sits up, having no qualms of what just happened. At least she wasn’t a Ferris.

(I was following Matija so I’d assume faustus would’ve headed there with him)

“Yeah, come on. Prefer you come with us than be on your own.”

She pops up from the bench. She notes Majita and Karen behind him.

“Good morning, Master Fie.”
“Sup.” She then turns to Majita
“Who’s she?”