Academy {Main Thread}

“Look. We want to help you. But you have to help us help you. Call them.”

“it’s fine by me. I have nothing better to do with my hours”

“But…” Loa hesitates.

The door opens, and a white jacket boy walks in. Majita recognizes him to be the boy from earlier.
“Loa, I’m sorry.”

Philips Norman

Noble - Year 1 Class II - Vice Monitor

“Hello, black jackets. May I know your names? I’m Philips Norman.”
He comes off rather brash for a noble, that’s for sure.

“Please take a seat or stand wherever. I am Matija. Nice to meet you Phillip”

“I’m Faustus, Faustus Duilius. Nice to meet you as well.”

“Glad to know you.”
He sits beside Loa, who’s frozen in spot looking at the ground.

“She must have told you the entire thing. My class ain’t pretty, that’s for sure. But I ain’t letting Loa down in her studies. There’s only Uzu, Loa and Machiel that’s decent in the class after all.”

“But… we can’t go on like this! The class will collapse on itself!” Loa burst out, standing up.

“I know that. With that idiot Donggol going off and being a doofus with his war shenanigans, I can’t partner with him. He’ll sooner come and attempt to crush all the other classes.”


“Call him here. I have an idea”

“No. We will not.”

Loa looks as if she’s out of options…

“We have our pride as nobles. We will solve our problems ourselves.”
Philips stands up.

"I am a noble as well. Shocker i know. Call him here sort out your differences now "

“Then swallow your damn pride for a while so we can fix this, you can laugh at the commoners later.” Faustus now has a harsher tone.

“What kind of person would I be if I cannot solve my own problems.” He stated. “There are no problems with commoners, only those with an inflated ego.”

Were you the only class with mixed classes of nobles and commoners?

“Rest assured, I won’t let Loa cry again.”

He gives a hand to Loa. Just then, his ARCUS rang.

“There is nothing wrong with accepting help from outside sources. You won’t be indebted to me or faustus, conflict is best saved for when your staring them down on the field of battle no?”

He hangs up the call, sighing.
“It has nothing to do with being indebted. It is just that I can clear this air with him during the field study. Nothing more.”

“Loa, we need to go. We need you this time.”
Loa responds by nodding her head.
“Perhaps when we have to, we will call for your aid. Now is not the time. There is the class competition 2 months later. You’ll face us at our strongest, united. I’ll give you that.”

“Pardon us.”
The door closes behind them…

“A class divided upon itself cannot stand. I wouldn’t be surprised they all end up in the infirmary after the field study. Whats your take Faustus?”

“With how it seems, I’d be surprised if the classes somehow work it out, with our help or not.”

“Yep. say you want some quartz to throw in your ARCUS for those artes you never use?”

“I don’t think I have any artes, if I did I’d be using them a lot. But sure.”

Matija chuckles “Come with me” Matija departs from the fencing room and out of the gym

Faustus follows Matija, closing the door behind him.

“Ok before we go any further im going to have to swear you to secrecy about what you see in there ok” matija’s tone is obviously sarcastic