Academy {Main Thread}

“For some reason,” Magnus says, “I think you’d be better with a bow.”

“Maybe,” Jem said.

Faustus starts to head to the station, but realizes shortly after that the papers he was working on last night were still up in his dorm. “Hopefully Lifea can wait a couple days for those papers…” He mutters, continuing to the station, looking for the other people in his group to meet up with.

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You head towards to the station!
And you meet Hunter, Magnus at the station entrance.

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Faustus walks up to Magnus, asking. but still in a tired tone “Oh hey, we good to get on the train yet?”

Elise and Fie follows up as well after Magnus and James from the Academy Grounds.

Entering the boarding area will cause the main story to advance.

(Also imma sleep now so ill wake up early tmr)

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oh wait this already started?
/cry in the corner


“I need a ticket,” Magnus says, looking around. “Hey Faustus. It’s me, you, Matija, Fie and Terry I think.”

“I’ve got Hunter, Elise and Ferris, so that would make sense.”

“And uh, where are we going to get this ticket?”

When you all go into the station…

You’ll see Hunter, Ferris and Karen by the waiting area.

Magnus headed over there.

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“h-Hey, wait up for me!” Faustus slowly catches up with Magnus to the waiting area.

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James pasts Faustus and reaches it before either of them.

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(When you fight over an entrance thats like 1 feet away from you, just go in and say hi)

Ferris is still munching on her bread… with a bag of bread in one hand, and tickets in the other… 3 tickets to be exact.

And Hunter was still patting Ferris, like the munchkin she currently was.

“Good morning, Masters.” Karen greeted the students that arrived. So Terry was missing…
Karen was empty handed. Apparently she did drop everything off to the officers already.

When he finally makes it there, Faustus returns the greet, still with his exhausted tone. “Good morning Karen. Are we clear to hop on the trains?”

“Yes. I have gotten the tickets to Tempor.”
She holds up five tickets… and a candy.
“Faustus, have this.”
She hands the candy to Faustus, and Everyone gets their own respective tickets for the Tempor Group.

(Tempor Group: Faustus, Magnus, Fie, Majita, Terry)

“Huh? What is it?” Faustus takes the candy from Karen and examines it.

“It’s a energy thing.”