Academy {Out-of-Character Discussion Thread}

Also @James
You may control your character, but you cannot control other player’s characters. I’m an exception because I have to regulate everyone and advance the story.

The Trio headed, oh no you don’t. Each person has to advance their character individually.

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I’m fine with it.

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Its the RP rules I should have stated at the start.
Elise sure hasn’t.


Elise is you.

I have to maintain consistency.
Each person is to state their intentions in their own posts. Even if you are friends irl, and telling that yes this was allowed, it doesn’t mean that everyone else are irl buddies as well, and help them go along as well.

If you want to control another person’s character, do it in a messaging platform and screenshot the conversation. And post it here, or DM directly to me. I’ll double confirm everything to ensure integrity and no fuck ups in the RP.

Actually I’m at home right now. I’m not with Magnus irl.

Also, be more specific about stuff, because I have 0 idea what “it” could be at times.
In fact, when asking questions, treat me like a 5-year-old. I can’t deduce automatically what “that” or “it” could possibly mean.

How about

James and Magnus went to the station?


I’ll still want each of you to write your own individual post.

Magnus started walking off to the station… signalling to James to follow.

James nodded, and followed Magnus.

Ah. Alright. Thanks for clearing this up.



Requiescat in pace

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Actually @Wazza I’m sure @Shurian would be happy to let you join.

Didn’t Fie come first?

Thats a good question for you to ask but she did come later…

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@Wazza You can make a character… just DM me :3


No need to RP the specifics of the game.

Just state “They had a good time playing a card game.”

They have cards?


Break it down!

Sleep… need sleep… uwu…