Academy {Out-of-Character Discussion Thread}

yo brp that is so uncool

I couldā€™ve used my stick.

that is cringe you are goin loose one subriber

Loses One subscriber.
Gains One Million subscribers.

OwO what this

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Iā€™m Pewdiepie.

Theoretically Fie at full strength alone will defeat both bots in 2:34.68.

Fie uses Gunblades. Two knives with a gun combined in each of them.

Itā€™s gonna be tough.

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Is Fie a demigod?
like me?

You fought monsters.
Fie (classified information to not spoil story)
And Elise is special, with her strength and speed, but she doesnā€™t have combat experience

Alright then.


Might not be on for next hour, game Iā€™m at went into overtime

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Dont worry

If thatā€™s the case me and Terry fight and win within five seconds.

Oh no, Magnus, you thinketh

Oh no Shurian, we winneth

We thinketh and wreck.

@Shurian you back yet?

Im here
But 5% batt
I gotta save batt


Magnus - Icicle Shot

  • You start with a boost to strength.

Matija - Soul Blur - Chrono Drive - Chrono Break

  • You absorb some HP through Time arts.

Faustus - Shining - Impassion

  • For every enemy you defeat, gain HP

Hunter - Fire Bolt - Heat Up

  • You deal additional damage up close.

James - Earth Shot - Guardian

  • You start with additional Defense.

Terry - After Image - Soul Blur - Flametongue

  • You cannot be stunned.

Elise - Wind Gust - Breath

  • You cannot be weakened by the enemy.

Ferris - Water Burst - Tear - Thelas - Shining - Linius Raya

  • When HP drops to 0, restore 50% to HP. Reduces all remaining MP to 0.

Fie - Chrono Drive - Chrono Burst - Ralias Ninrom

  • You start with additional speed.

The Artes we know?

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