Academy {Out-of-Character Discussion Thread}


(Whatā€™s happening? Iā€™m a little lost.)

Weā€™re rping, since thereā€™s extra time. You can always hop in if ya want

(Ah cool)

Excuse me
What is
ā€œGripping the gateā€?

Grab the gate.

The gate ainā€™t no tolerating gay shit
The gates are open so I donā€™t see a need to unless youā€™re posing there acting all cool

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Magnus, Please take note of your locations.

I donā€™t see teleporting as a valid option in this RP.

Please state where you go.
They are at the stream. Read the Original Post thoroughly.

Oh okay.
Thought it would be closed.


A handbook will be given to ppl later.

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Like private logs?

After all Iā€™ll be grading them.

Jk jk its like a personal diary. So its not too important to the RP.

Woah there buckaroo, we can talk this one out

fuck not more graded assignments

Iā€™ll need to ask each and everyone for their academic capabilities and how hard their characters would be studying to calculate their grades.

The main RPing would be the practical combat trials and examinations.

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Lightsin.exe has stopped working


kai.exe has stopped responding, close the program or wait for it to respond?



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Character academic capabilities

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