Academy {Out-of-Character Discussion Thread}




Wait for the others to catch up. We’ll be pausing this RP for a while until they come in.

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Ohaiyo! @Possessed
I’ve seen your interest! Do you still want /in?

Wait. No no no.
The main RP is
The field studies.

Cant believe I missed that.

Aye sorry @Shurian I don’t think ill have the time.


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I should /in to confirm right or…

Wait did you put it into the CS thread? I go to the Character Sheet Thread for everything >_<

Oh um.

Oh you did
Youre accepted the moment I put the like on your post >_<
Ah oh well :slight_smile:

Start off posting by going into the school grounds!

As long as you have that “Like” from me, you can start posting in the thread.

@Fireslol wake up. Do an action Please.

Don’t worry you’re doing really great!
There are no right/wrong actions. You can overcome them (with time and effort). [And it’s part of the story.]

(owo whats this)

Now u notice? D:<

I rarely go here anymore :V

Angery Sobs

.>:] nice

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It’s a roleplay.