Academy {Out-of-Character Discussion Thread}

Indeed it is Magnus

Can I interest you with a customizable RP?


Explain ā€œcustomizableā€

Looks at plans
Yeah I can slot in transfer students at any given time I need.
Oh lord >:D

nani the nani

This RP can be altered, ever the so slightly, with an increasing character roster with decent backgrounds.

Would you like to change this world ever so slightly :smiley:

Sure if i could find any sort of interest checky thingy

Also Shurian can you please process some actions?

This was the interest check btw XD

Scrolls up

I amā€¦ Just still typing.

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Hrum Hrum
i think iā€™m going to have to decline
Mostly becuase I don;'t do RPs aymore and Iā€™m never here
I might still watch around :eyes:

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Well, perhaps you could make a character sheet for an npc or something.

Almost more than the mod.

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I wonder if Fireslol actually realises what they are going to go into. @fireslol
Do u :smiley:

You get to witness a combat instructorā€™s prowess!
Actually hitting her once is easy, especially when she decides that itā€™s enough.

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Youā€™re like encouraging the instructor to beat the shit out of the noble lol


(Will there be a diary thread?)

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Actually someone can win!!

EDIT: Nuuuuuu

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