Academy {Out-of-Character Discussion Thread}

Im free rn tho but you guys need to sleep >.<

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Whats sleep

but alright shuri

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sleep is for the weak

The weak don’t need sleep

shuri if i go to sleep i’ll prob get up 11 am my time ree

Dont worry I’ll still be up then

why don’t you sleep then hrm

why can’t i subject myself to sleep deprivation

I sleep at 12 lol

fine i’ll go to sleep hmph


I’m here.

Looks at conflict

Please can you tp Terry out of here, having found my diary?


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The americian justice system in a nutshell kek


I’m Australian.

no shit i can tell by the flag lol. I’m taking a jab at ours lol

:laughing: It’s so true.

but yea getting arrested is stereotypical like that if you go with the memes. Innocent until proven guilty is a thing legallyhere so thats nice

Magna Carta.