Academy {Out-of-Character Discussion Thread}

Sadistic Teacher
Is Sadistic…?

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don’t mind me i’m slowing dying

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Im going to test soon

Nidhoggr was who Fie claimed to train her, in case you’ve forgotten, like I had.

Oh I know

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Time to update… It’s gonna be a long journey…

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I just realised
People please refer to this…

Big School Guide

I think I didn’t miss anyone…

Vivi + Linde have been updated for the Wind Orchestra and Fencing Clubs respectively.

Imma sleep now.
No movement from anyone yet…

Thanks for OP stuff.


@shurian Please appear.

let the man sleep

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But— but—
I want to nag Fierro.

shshshshhh. shut up

I want to buy crystals.
Also Matija

Hand it over.

fuck off its my quartz suck a peen

/Draws Trident.
I wonder who would win in a fight between us?

prob Matija with le Chrono Axe and time artes