Academy: RE:VAMP (Interest Check)

No sane person would sign a waiver for their life for experimental purposes

thatā€™s why you get the batshit insane people

Get d-class.

Info Server till I get a proper role system in place

good morning gamers

We can do a time skip soon :smiley:

yes please time skip to orientation

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time skip when

Iā€™ve been reading the spreadsheet, and I realised a few interesting things.

Level and Location
Uriah - Lvl 3 - Zephys
Al - Lvl 1 - Thrashopolis
Threnvi - Lvl 1 - Jannis
Aleksei Bishop - Lvl 6 - Terrion
Rhosyn Claussel - Lvl 12 - Terrion

@Sulit, why is your character lvl 12? Training from hell?
As well, only Lightsin and Sulit have their charactersā€™ surnames; most likely because they are Noble classes. And interestingly, both of them come from the same place (because theyā€™re Nobles, most likely.) None of that is important.
Although I find it hilarious that Ami has the simplest name, although as a nickname it doesnā€™t really count.

Uriah - Longsword (Physical)
Al - Flute (Arts)
Threnvi - Orbal Shotgun (Physical)
Aleksei - Combat-Knife (Physical)
Rhosyn - Dual Sabres

As Amiā€™s character uses the Arts, that makes it a magical weapon. As such, attacking would use EP, probably. To make up for it, Amiā€™s character probably uses less EP with Crafts.
Lightsinā€™s character uses a knife. While a versatile weapon, it has a short reach.
Geydeā€™s character has a literal shotgun. That would be worrisomeā€¦ except guns are useless in these sorts of games. So yeah.
Sulitā€™s character isnā€™t specifically stated to be a physical weapon. This suggests itā€™s both physical and Arts, or even something else entirely. Who knows?

Uriah - Riposte/Bleeding Edge/Inner Sanctum/Second Wind/Shadow Of A Wound/Dark Warfare
Al - Fortissimo/Furioso/Marcato/Calando/Prestissimo/Flutist Sonata
Threnvi - TBA/TBA/TBA/TBA/???/TBA
Aleksei - Low Sweep/TBA/TBA/TBA/???/TBA
Rhosyn - Disarming Strike/Whirl Of Blades/X-Prep/TBA/???/Reducto Forensias

I find it impossible to believe Shurian just forgot to update certain player Crafts. This makes me think the players intentionally want to keep their crafts hidden, which is fair enough. Why, though, are the fifth Craft slots on all but mine and Amiā€™s character? Do they have less Crafts? Itā€™s a conspiracy.

Uriah - Golden Sphere (S)
Al - Identify
Threnvi - Tear
Aleksei - Aqua Shot
Rhosyn - Fire Bolt

At least I have a special Art. Great.
The names are fairly self explanatory. Golden Sphere suggestsā€¦ no idea. Perhaps a mass-healing ability. Identity suggests an investigative ability, possibly determining weaknesses in the enemy. Tear suggests an offensive ability, although it could also be as in crying tears, in which case itā€™s something else. Aqua Shot counters Fire Bolt. Itā€™s elemental rock-paper-scissors again. At least someone can counter the lvl 12.
Also, itā€™s worth noting players start with 0% CP (for Crafts) and 100% EP (for Arts).

Uriah - None/None
Al - None/None
Threnvi - Siren/Evasion
Aleksei - None/None
Rhosyn - Brigid/None

This gave me pause. Naturally, some players have no Quartzā€™s. Got it. Geydeā€™s character, Threnvi, purchased one (or so I recall). However, Threnvi already had a Master Quartz, named Siren. So did Sulitā€™s character, a Quartz named Brigid. Itā€™s interesting when you also consider the fact that Threnvi is a commoner, so Geyde mustā€™ve had a very interesting backstory.
And Threnvi is only lvl1, too!

Other Interesting Information -

  • Even the most powerful players donā€™t have a Brave Order.
  • Nobody has a Break Gauge.

Conclusion -

I donā€™t think anyone here has a simple character like the last time we played. Lvls are considered milestones, as said by Shurian. This suggests whoever has the most lvls has the biggest backstories, whether or not theyā€™re revealed.
(Since Rhosyn had a one-sentence backstory revealed.)
Since Nobles have their surnames known, itā€™ll be easy for any player to search them up in a history book, if anyone really cares that much.
Exactly where in Thrashapolis is Al from?
Threnvi comes from Jannis, which is up north at theā€¦ Annexed Borders? Considering the other anomalies about Threnvi, and the lack of information on Jannis, players may be interested about that place.
While Iā€™m on the subject, Uriah is lvl3 and has a special Art, so Players may be willing to look into Zephys. Feel free.
The Nobles come from Terrion. Iā€™m supposing theyā€™ve come from the Residential Areas.
If anyone else has any questions, Iā€™ll try and answer it. I am the official theorist.


Please explain.
Youā€™re pretty vulnerable against a mad flutist and knife maniac.

Has to do with my backstory youā€™re right about that

Al is just a mad genius wym

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So you know;
This is metaplay.

Yeah I can tell.
Itā€™s helpful when comparing you against Aleksei, a control Noble, if you will.
It canā€™t just be combat, because Lightsin specified his character was training in combat.

I know Al is mad. I know they are a flutist. You never specified them to be a genius.

You can ask me yes or no questions and I will answer one of those or refuse to answer

Just one?

I mean, Iā€™ll answer yes/no/no comment


I am no metagamer
I am only normal gamer

One that uses 360 noscopes to slay my enemies