Academy: RE:VAMP (Interest Check)

You can micspam in the War Room.

fredboat still doesnā€™t work
which is a gigasad

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but people not in rp might go in
and my 'totally not game relatedā€™ā„¢ conversation will be derailed

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You know shurianā€™s gonna read that and go, yeah, Iā€™m not doing a discord.

It is not a good idea to take my words as what I actually think
Because for the most part Iā€™ve been suggesting only shitty things

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Some actual reasons for having a discord server:

  • Space between posts is smaller.
  • Clicking between channels is quicker than going between threads. Itā€™s more easily organized between character / character conversation while limiting the possibility for metagaming talk accidentally happening
  • Locations are easier to represent. This shouldnā€™t be that large of a problem in this rp, but it does exist as one for other games

You can do both
And I think itā€™s better if you do both

But if youā€™re only going to do one discord is better due to the space between posts making looking back in immediate conversation easier

im saying
forum for rp as bbcode/html is superior
discord for ooc and important shit

Whatā€™s the point of using forums and discord though?
If going between forum threads is inconvenient for you guys, where two seconds are too long, then imagine going between websites.

This is a circular argument
Fuck it

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We are going to nuke the academy

And nothing will stop society

you are gamer

gamer gamer gamer gamer

Quarantine bad

If I create a Discord Server, itā€™ll mostly be used for notifications and uploads (because I go onto this site once a day) and I hardly ever look at my email

thatā€™s fine

When :clap: Can :clap: We :clap: Begin :clap: The :clap: Game? :clap:

I dunno
Maybe I have fixed it already :smiley:

Yes, itā€™s not a problem here as Iā€™ll be focusing the classon one location at a time, unless you want to head out during your free days. (Though, Iā€™ll be quite picky on where you can go)

cleared to post?