Academy: RE:VAMP (Interest Check)

All besides Sulit is cleared to post.

(I have to wrap up the CS, I’ll stay up as long as I can.)

Also, ya’ll have great backgrounds, lemme tell ya’ll that
Am loving where this will go.


So we can begin?

what do you think cleared to post means

I was just double checking.

Finish up your prayers and stuff and head off to another location, nothing to interesting to see (in the chapel) on the first of the three days :smiley:

gotta pray to all the possible gods cause who knows what’s up there

It’s just Aidios

May the Goddess’ Favour be with you.

do i send Al downstairs or nah

You can if you want, exploration is good but we can always do that in a while

by downstairs i mean where the thing is happening as i want F L O O T

yes floot time

(Et Tu, Brute?)

tfw everyone is a loner

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We’re all rogues.

Al is just cleaning their flute so it sounds pretty

I can make your magical flute a normal flute

“It’s not all magic! It’s somewhat science!”


sad flute


no friends