Academy RE:VAMP (Main Thread)

“I’m Towa Herschel, a member of the Faculty of the Branch Campus… and here we go…”

She picks up a battle orbment, 2 uniforms and a blank black notebook, as she had given all the others.

"I hope we can be friends at the Academy,” Uriah said. “But I don’t see how the past has to affect our choices. I’d prefer you not to pry. I’ll share in my own time.”

Threnvi nods, understanding that pursuing further likely wasn’t the best idea.
“I’ll likely see you later, Uriah” he says before turning away and heading toward the academy.

“Likewise.” Uriah leaned back against the tree, only then realising Threnvi had stolen his tarts.
He shrugged. Not a big deal.

(I in no way had stolen any tarts.
This is actual slander)

Sias Academy

The gates are closed.

(Uriah gave them to Threnvi. They were never returned)

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Dormitories then

(Climb the gates)

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(in normal conversation person would probably remember to give them back.
plus it doesn’t make sense in character to forget
but whatever)

(I am not cash money enough :^) )

Aleksei takes the items saying a “Thank you” and continues to the academy, passing Uraih.

(Players also forget to drink water every day in rps. What’s your point?)

Uriah glanced up at Aleksei. “A noble,” he noted, pushing himself off the tree and walking over. “Greetings.”

(this probably isn’t that good to discuss on this thread

Oh, yeah. Forgot about the tarts.
Probably should give them back since such an action likely isn’t that good in retrospect…
Next time I see them
I’m in no rush

Branch Academy Dormitory

“Is the Dormitory not a good place to stay? I thought the renovations were pretty neat…”
Instructor Herschel sighed as she went back to rearranging the small little orbs in the box.

Aleksei stops and looks at Uraih. He stares at the commoner and after a bit, just says “Hi” He turns his attention to the closed gates, which the other commoner from before is standing. “What kind of school locks us out of the place immediately?”

Now about conveniently closing off everything
Have to wonder about that crown prince.
Haven’t heard much about them. It’s possible that going too close too early could be seen as weird and a problem. Threnvi considers how they might approach such a situation.

Hi yes there is aggressive flute noises still and Al is getting very annoyed by the fact nobody is even acknowledging her music