Academy RE:VAMP (Main Thread)

“But why”
“Doesn’t that seem kind of pointless to split”

The flutist remained silent for everything
Still not talking

“Probably it’s some sort of advanced combat trial or something. It is an orientation exercise, after all.”

“I do not think they seriously would consider that. Consider that we didn’t exactly discuss our abilities beforehand when we took up the invitation…er probably.”

Threnvi watches to see where the instructor heads off to.

Uriah resisted the urge to facepalm. “A combat exercise makes perfect sense. It’s so they can see our abilities firsthand.”

“First rule.”

“I personally would be ready for anything.” Her voice is quiet, cold, and above all else calculated

“It’d be idiotic wouldnit to not be?”

“The first general rule of combat is that there are no rules,” Uriah muttered. “The second rule is that there is only one rule and that is rule number one.”

“You’re talking,” Uriah noted. “When I tried to talk to you earlier, you just played that flute at me.”

“First rule is nobody talks about potential surprise combat trials outside of potential surprise combat trials. It’s pointless.” Threnvi’s countenance is one of ‘this should be obvious’

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“Do you seriously think I would talk while playing a flute?” She groans, god, first the uniform and now this. Why did she even agree to this?

“Do it” Threnvi raises their eyebrows.

“Do what exactly?”

“The flute wasn’t going anywhere.”

“Just…ignore what I said. It was stupid.”

“Would you enjoy a piece played by me? Am I just a musician to you?”

Uriah muttered under his breath, turning towards Aleksei and Rhosyn. “Nice to meet you again,” he said to the former. “I don’t think I’ve met you, though,” he said to Rhosyn.

This is the type of shit that annoys Threnvi so
He makes the attempt, but it seems like they don’t care.
Rather, they’d do anything to get offended.

Aleksei just keeps his eyes trained on the elevator, expecting something to happen. After all, while these commoners do what they do best, fight each other, he needed something to do, other than wait around. Doing nothing was probably the one thing he truly hated, thanks to a life of letters needing running.