Academy RE:VAMP (Main Thread)

“Thanks, Threnvi,” Uriah nodded, taking the tarts.

While the ‘important people are talking’ Threnvi mumbles numerous witty comebacks that will never see the light of day to themselves.


“Very well.” The principal nodded.

“With the main campus’ curriculum going from Classes I to V, the branch campus will pick up from Class VII to IX.”

“The 5 of you, Lera, Threnvi, Rhosyn, Uriah and Aleksei make up Class VII: Special Operations. Your instructor is Towa Herschel.”

That petite young girl was an Instructor, and your homeroom teacher.

“You will follow the instructions given by Professor Schmidt. That is all.”

And the imposing, serious lady leaves. Your homeroom teacher sighs of relief, while the young lady beside the old man steps up.

“So, uhh, heya! There’s a place that Class VII will be going to for orientation! It’s right behind the campus, so we’ll we walking for a lil!”
She tried to brighten the mood a little.

But the old man sure was grumpy, mutteeing something under his breath, something about “Imperial” and “Foolish”.

The flutist simply gives a death stare towards the lady as she leaves and lets out a few soft words under her breath.

“Lera?” Uriah blinked, looking at Al. “Is that…?”

Threnvi had a comment, but the glaringly obvious problems with such a comment might stop him.

They stand still, thousand yard stare. Acknowledging nobody or anything, just the stare.

Rhosyn looked like she wanted to say something, but refrained, and started trailing behind the young girl.

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Threnvi steps forward and gestures.
“I’m breaking the ice for everyone. No, this isn’t a joke and is likely how it’ll be.”

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“Insightful commentary. I’m Threnvi, and who might you be?”

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“Sounds… great?” He still felt weird about his group being special operations, but at the end of the day, he already stood out. Something made him seem more useful than others to the academy, and he naturally assumes the military will work the same way. So, he smiles, knowing part of his journey has been accomplished.


“I’m Rhosyn, thank you.”


Huh uhuh.

Just as everyone was talking… you were all lead to a grounds behind the school.

You could see windmills on both sides harnessing fire, into this huge cube like building. Newly renovated, or built, from the looks of it.

Branch Academy - Einhel Keep

And everyone goes into the building.

A large room with stairs leading up to the control room…


And further front is an elevator.

Windmills harnessing Fire.
Is that not completely weird?

The wonders of orbal technology, and totally not be derping. But either way, let’s stay that way.

"Oh my god, what is this place?
Rhosyn seemed to cringe at the sight of flames, but curiously entered the building. Upon entry, she approached the elevator.

“…And that’s how to efficiently break a door off its hinges”
Threnvi smirked before their demeanor shifts to a more focused one
“I assume…eh. I don’t know. What’s now?”

Uriah looked at the elevator and the staircase. “I assume,” he said, “that we go in the elevator, and the teachers go up the stairs.”