Academy RE:VAMP (Main Thread)

“Finally. I’ll take the one on the left. You can handle the right I assume?”

Uriah didn’t show his annoyance. “If you insist on warfare. I’ll take the one on the right.”

“Well im maximizing our numerical superiority by splitting it 3 and 3.” Al sighs

“Then me, you, and shotgun on the left. Dumbass idealist, swords girl, and our lovely instructor take the one on the right. Is that acceptable?”

Rhosyn cleared her throat. “What happened to the flip them over plan?”

“I’m not one to consider ecological impacts right now.”

“Not really worried about that, it’ll probably just be easier than just… stabbing them.”

“Sounds acceptable”

Uriah glanced at Rhosyn approvingly. “How about we flip our beetle, they stab theirs, we see which technique works faster.”

“We can flip them over then stab them. I’m frankly done with running this discussion in circles”

She readies her flute

“Are we all in agreement?”

Aleksei props off the wall and pulls out his knife: “I’m ready.”

The Instructor listens to this, and nods.

“Well… I’d suggest to use your Arts against these beetles. Attacking them with normal Attacks don’t look promising… unless you have a way to get past that carapace.”

She sighs, taking out her little pistol.

What do you guys do? The beetles don’t move. They stay there, clicking their dendibles, even as you run out to aggressively greet them.

Returning to a more RP-esque way of battling. CP will still be recorded, and if using a Craft, describe it accordingly. Cast Arts accordingly using Brackets to indicate which arts you’d be using.

The battle order will be removed. Please attack as you see fit. It will be based on reactions to attacks as per the previous RP.


Al starts off by targeting the left beetle with a loud sharp note. [Craft:Fortissimo]

Aleksei follows up with an attack on the same beetle.

“fuck it. Improvisation.”
Threnvi shoots the door.

“Well, that’s one way to do it.”

“It’s a beetle.”
Threnvi shrugs, giving a ‘I am dead inside’-esqe grin.
What’s the worst it could do?
This backfiring will be hilarious

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Rhosyn walks towards the right beetle and tentatively holds out her sword, trying to slid it underneath the beetle and flip it over.

Uriah followed Rhosyn, sword in hand. “Think if I pick up the beetle to help you flip it, bad things will happen?”

“You could try, I don’t really want to touch it.”

“Do it. It’ll be hilarious”