Academy RE:VAMP (Main Thread)

Uriah glanced over at Threnvi. “You shot the door.”

“It was both more effective and more hilarious than shooting the beetles. Your point?”

“It was not effective.”

“You don’t see the inherent genius in my action. If you were in my situation you would do the same exact thing.”


The first beetle is slightly damaged by the Musical Note, but the knife knocks off the carapace of the beetle. The sword by Rhosyn slides underneath the beetle… causing it to start short-circuiting…? It drops a blue crystal.

The doors don’t budge. The bullets exploded right before hitting the door…

“Shooting the door is all fine and dandy, but then these doors have a special mechanism to them! We could open it up for you, or you can use those beetles to do something to them!” The Assistant’s voice rang out.

The other beetle looks at everyone expectantly(?). Instructor Herschel takes down some notes on the class on her orbment…

Uriah nodded in understanding. “It’s a security system. Clever.”

“The crystal seems important. Maybe we need both of them to open the door?”

“Maybe. I assume we just try the same thing on the other beetle?”

(Surprise FAST Update)

On each side of the door lay 2 blue compartments which open up after a set duration.

“I’ll handle the clean up, so don’t worry about the dead beetle. Focus on the remaining one!”

Instructor Towa fiddles with the corpse of the beetle that everyone had just killed. She picks up the beetle, and looks into it…

“Hmm… So that’s how it is…”

Threnvi whacks the remaining beetle with their gun, trying to flip the thing

It flips over, and the crawly little thing starts wriggling its legs, trying to crawl away, but it cant flip itself back…

Threnvi fucking shoots it

Bang! You shoot at the beetle. It stops moving. You see a blue crystal inside its abdomen… Meanwhile, Instructor Towa is shaking the other corpse, shaking out some other coloured crystals. (2 red, 2 yellow and 2 white crystals, in which she safekeeps). It then bursts into nothingness, just like the flying felines.

“Was this the challenge? Just exterminating the little pests and taking their crystals?” Aleksei asks. He reckoned that this was quite easy, so how is it a challenge? Maybe for other people it was a challenge to not be protectors of the earth like sir commoner. But still, he did not understand how getting rid of animals and getting the crystals that somehow lay inside them was hard.

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“It’s glorified busywork”
Threnvi goes to pick up both crystals.
“I’d imagine that there is a ‘key’ to this door if shooting it does nothing. Not that I’d know how doors magically just cause shots to dissipate or anything of the sort. That’s still confusing as hell for me.”

“Towa. Real talk. Was this remotely planned whatsoever.”
“Because I don’t get that vibe. Call it a hunch or whatever but doesn’t you coming alongside us completely neuter any actual ‘test’ that this might show?”

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Threnvi just doesn’t give a shit
There’s something just not there.

Maybe it comes later
Maybe not

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“Well… you’re right on that one.” Towa sighs. “I’m here in case things get dicey for everyone… was what the professor said…”

“Don’t think of this as a test, rather, think of it as a real exercise out in the field.”

The door shall open once you do what is necessary to open the door.

The door has two blue compartments… What to do?

(How far away are the two blue compartments from each other?)