Academy RE:VAMP (Main Thread)

Threnvi takes the two crystals and puts them in the compartments

“Truly the most difficult puzzle in history.”

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The crystals are placed on the compartments… in which they fall into the door after a hole opens up for the crystals.

And then, the door glows blue and opens. The remaining beetle disperses as well.

Threnvi chuckles to themselves.
“That was…alarmingly simple. I’m not going to complain, but I get the feeling that I’m going to be in for a ringer.”

Threnvi checks what’s beyond the door


@sulit @Ami @Lightsin @Magnus

You see the path split beyond these doors. Left and right… Now… what will all of you do?

“I’ll scout out one of the paths. You guys should move onto the other path. Which would it be?” Towa asks.

“Do you have a coin? I’m feeling indecisive suddenly.”

Uriah glanced at Towa. “It seems hardly fair for us four to head one way and you go on alone.”

“I consider the fact she is the instructor of our class and knows more about this shut than us valid reason to go alone, though i’d prefer to accompany her just to be safe.”

“Well, they clearly didn’t know whatever was happening beforehand. I asked them, and they said so in reply. Now, if you think they are bluffing, be my guest”
Threnvi gives a mildly puzzled look while replying

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“Now that being said, I’m enjoying the opportunity to just go along with what they are saying. They are an instructor for a reason. If they weren’t then you’d think they’d be more useless against the…cats we had to deal with earlier”
“Yeah both of you are acting dumb”

“You’re the one who’s contradicting oneself,” Uriah said.

“Yes, and I’m not the type to obsessively sweat over the details. It’s a training exercise, and based off the last ‘puzzle’…you would assume that thinking hard about this is a terrible idea.”

“Try dissing me. You’re just going to end up flat on your ass.”

“I chose to assume the worst-possible likely scenario,” Uriah shrugged.

“And you’re thinking too hard. That attitude is going to leave you open to what’s right in front of you.” Threnvi gives off a look that’s half concerned half dismissive.

“Ouch… It does leave a bad taste in my mouth, but it is true that I don’t have much idea of what will happen… It is Professor Schmidt after all…”

Intercom buzzes on…

“Since your students aren’t going to choose a path, Instructor Herschel shall go onto the Alpha Pathway. The students shall proceed to the Beta pathway.”

The Professor’s voice booms, in all his glorious authoritative voice.

“Ahem, the students will go to the left side, and Towa will go to the right side!” The assistant chirps out. “And Professor, this switch-”
Intercom cuts off.

A momentary pause of silence, before the Instructor smiles.
“With Mint there, she won’t let the professor do anything too drastic. I’ll head on to see what’s on the right side. All of you should head to the left and check for anything suspicious.”

Uriah nodded. “Of course.” With a friendly nod, he turned and headed down the left hallway.

“What utterly confuses me is that why are we leaving the instructor that literally said to take care of her to her own devices, while the five of us, that can clearly handle ourselves, go the other path? It does not make sense why we cannot do a 3-3 or a 2-4 split, not a 1-5. I understand she is an instructor but my point still stands. 5 people to one group is quite unnecessary.” Aleksei sighs, looking at both paths.

Saying that, though the instructor has already left for the right hallway.

“Whatever then. We were told to go left so I’ll go left.” Aleksei readies his knife, holding it backwards and heads down the left path.