Academy RE:VAMP (Main Thread)

“Of course.”
Threnvi hands them the invitation / letter thing, staring past them while doing so.

Uriah glanced at Threnvi. “Greetings.”

Threnvi scratches his chin before shifting their gaze onto Uriah.
“Hello. I’m Threnvi, and you would happen to be?”
His tone of voice is cordial, not hinting at any sort of emotion.



She takes out another piece of paper, containing a seal, and takes both of their letters.
“Alright! Uriah… and Threnvi, right?”

She takes out the same items as before; not that these people would know of it, a battle orbment (looks like a flip phone, that has never been done before in this world), 2 uniforms and a blank black notebook.

“Here you go!”

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Uriah hesitated a moment before saying, “Uriah. Uriah Tolliver.”

Al arrives where the two people with complex ass names i cba to type out are. She then plops herself in a corner, adjusting her school uniform

She then takes a case from out her satchel and takes out a flute and starts cleaning it, not minding the others.

“Thank you,” Uriah nodded as he took the items. Examining the orbment, he asked, “what’s this?”

“Thank you.” Threnvi nods slightly, before backing off to presumably think about relevant things to this conversation.

Neinvaille Exchange

It’s a shop in the alleys, hidden behind the Inn. (Just noticed I didn’t put the inn, my bad). A young girl (about age 13~14) seemed to be busy, with her pet dog having a cloth in its mouth and wiping the glass with it. The items seem to be rare antiques or items you’ll otherwise not find in a regular shop. Hold on a second, is that ammunition for flamethrowers?

“Ey, A Customer? Pick yer poison, we got all kinds of ol’ goods 'ere.” The girl calls out behind the counter, while writing letters to who knows where.

Threnvi snaps out of their thoughts before asking “Roughly speaking, just for clarification, when should we be back here supposing that we have matters outside of the academy to attend to?”

“Oh! That’s an orbment! We’ll go through what these are during the orientation exercise.”
She puts down the name list and takes more quartz out from the box.

“For the next 2 days, you can go in and out freely from Leeves, once the Academic Year starts, you’ll be too busy to leave, and will need to stay in this dormitory with the others. Oh, and if you want dinner, you’ll have to go to the Inn, we’re short on hands right now.”

Al finishes cleaning their flute and stands up, and moves towards a more central area with her case.

She sighs before counting herself off, going into a tune akin to The British Grenadiers.

“I see. Understood.”
Threnvi might be mentally debating what they are going to do, might not. Overall, who can really read into somebody that shows the expression of a rock.

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Threnvi heads to the Neinvaille Exchange.
They know the rough layout of Leeves from maps, but want to get a rough idea of everything while they have time.

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Noticing she’s writing letters, it was really hard not to ask her if he could run those. So, he focused on the items instead. “What is popular in this store?”

“Oh, the people don’t care much for the weapons, but they come for monster ingredients, and mechanical parts they don’t sell around here.”

She takes a good look up at the new face…

“Yer a student goin’ to that new school in these parts? We’ve got stationery here fresh from Telias! They have good writing materials, yer see?”

She whips out the pen she has for writing.

Threnvi enters the store as well.

“Welcome! Welcome! Knock yerself out!”

Uriah nodded. “Great. Great.” He moved towards the door, but paused as he took the map from his bag.

Are we just gonna ignore the flutist, aight then

(not a kazoo 0/10)

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Owner of the Neinvaille Leeves Branch
Age: 13

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