Academy RE:VAMP (Main Thread)

Uriah nodded. “Great. Great.” He moved towards the door, but paused as he took the map from his bag.

Are we just gonna ignore the flutist, aight then

(not a kazoo 0/10)

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Owner of the Neinvaille Leeves Branch
Age: 13

Visible Sheet has been updated.

(You should talk to people more)

its not like the music makes yknow, noise

Al sees the people pass, a tad bit saddened nobody is even paying attention to her music.

“Hello.” Threnvi pauses for a second, considering their words, before continuing. “What would you personally recommend?”

(Now I’m feeling guilty.)

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Uriah examined the map, and returned it to his bag alongside the other items he had been given. Then he turned around, nearly walking into Al. “Sorry,” he apologised.

She doesn’t do much other than eye him and continue with the song, seemingly unphased.

She does point with her foot towards the open case, implying she takes tips.

(You’re kidding.)
Uriah reached into his bag, pulling out the four-box of strawberry tarts. “I’m Uriah,” he greeted, offering a tart. “And you are?”

Oh boy, another person. A commoner at that. He decided to ignore them for now, and checked out the antiques. The letters looked like they needed to be runned, and he’d love to run them, but he wasn’t a courier anymore. Hopefully the commoner would just see he was browsing and not interested in conversation. Hopefully.

She gives him a stare that says ’Bitch do you not see i’m fuckin doin something here?’

Uriah didn’t stand down, although his smile faded. “I’m not going to be ignored,” he said in a colder tone.

Shes literally playing the flute bitch wtf
As she finishes her song she seamlessly transferring into ‘God rest Ye Merry Gentlemen’

Once again she points with her foot towards the open case

Uriah threw the tart into the case and turned away, walking out of the dormitory.

Branch Academy Dormitory

A man and a young girl enters the dormitory as Uriah leaves.

“Whoa, are you really an Instructor?”
The young girl pipes out instantaneously at the Instructor’s height and baby face.


“Sorry about that, she’s a handful. Here are our letters. Looks like we’ll be colleagues from now on.” Said the man. He had red hair, half rough, and half smooth… and quite tall. He held 2 bags, one for the girl and one for himself.

“Oh? I’m Towa! Nice to meet you! And is she a student?”
“Yea! I’m Luna Goodfield. Great to meet you!”
“I still can’t believe a girl who looks younger than a 12 year old can be an instructor…”

“I’m 21 this year!” :sob:

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Uriah walked outside the dormitory, and climbed up a tree to sit on a sturdy branch as he got the box of tarts, and took one, eating it.

Al was in that area still, playing her flute.

She’s transferred to what we know as the funny sans song

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“Upsy Daisies.”

“Say, ya’ll be looking at these shiny babies!”
Item: Shining Pom Bait
Item: Evasion I Quartz
Item: Fountain Pen.

“Whaddya say I sell one of the three to you for a 100 mira? Sounds good right? And it ain’t fun telling what the items do! Gotta take a bet!”

A 100 Mira would be about 5 US Dollars.