Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

@Luxy going to give you a tip. When you play a lot of Town of Salem and throne of lies you learn not to call all your scum reads scum. This is because if you call out all your scum then the wagon you want to make won’t have as much power because more people are against you (by you calling them scum) causing them not to vote with you.

If that is a confusing explanation think about it like this. When you call someone scum, you kindve cause a war with them. And like how nations don’t go to war against every nation who is bad because if they did that they would become weak, scum readers such as yourself shouldn’t call out all their scum reads because then the potential scum won’t follow your wagon because you are enemies with them this although your claims are justified they won’t be really as effective as calling a specific individual scum and focusing on him/her until they are dead or the situation is resolved. Then you go on your next scum read. Because that is allowing the potential scum (which only you know) to sheep your vote.

You feel me? It is kindve confusing but if you don’t understand it I will try to explain it again.


I get it, but I’m trying to get people’s reactions and defences. Also I post my reads so I die, people can see my thinking.

No offense, but I’ve seen people say that read lists are not useful sometimes, and I have to agree. You usually just want to put pressure on your top scumread and focus them. Read lists in large games also just divert town’s attention and gets them sidetracked a lot, and is an intimidating large wall of text. IMO the top 3 scummiest people are Insanity, Boss, and Parfait, and I would like to know your opinion on them please.


My opinion on them is in the readlist, and I agree with you on that.

That is why i was pressuring parfait before i posted it and why my vote is on sarun. I would like you to vote sarun too.

So i’ve finished my ISO on Sarun, and their early game defence of Celeste does seem kind of overly confident, and i understand that that would be seen as scumbuddying, but that theory is clearly disproved. Also, when put under pressure by Psycho, their logic seems completely sound.

I personally see no issues with anything they’ve said here, for example.

Most of your accusations are based on the buddying with Celeste, and that logic is flawed. The only thing I may be okay to get behind in terms of suspicion is his attempt to CFD onto Hippo, but I’ll need more than that to actually change my vote. I still disagree with your reads, and will keep my vote on Psycho.

NGL, I would rather pressure those I think are scummier, but I will vote him to see what he claims…

He was a bit too aggressive imo tho

/vote Sarun for now

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Read my opinion on sarun. Everything he did was so out of place.

Your opinion is entirely based around being a scum buddy with the confirmed town
I’ve yet to see anything else in your reads list.

He was trying to pocket celeste, they are obviously not scumbuddies.

Aww, I am just a poor moscot whose ability is ;-;



say what now

I already said I forgot to change some things when I posted it. I am human and i make mistakes you know.

You really seem to like bringing attention to small details instead of looking at the big picture.

Would you mind rereading your readslist and fixing any errors or changes in opinion before referring others to look at it for information. Thanks :slight_smile:

Also we established that Sarun very well could be scum whiteknighting.

I’m not allowed to edit posts


whimpers I need a hint
Have you played the game your character is from? Or have you played all the AA games?