Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

Psycho for his flaky post earlier on and then for that stupid hunter reaction test, you for the fact that your posting is essentially non-stop contradictions and unnatural progression here, and Insanity as he’s reads are just terrible.

You basically went from being on the fence with me being townie, to this being a bus from 0 to 60.

I see, I’m trying to take less of a VI approach in Day 1 and be more aggressive

i’m just going to point out that if Psycho is a mislynch here then his lynch will still be overall beneficial to us.

I’m usually too passive on Day 1 so I figured if I find anything suspicious I might as well say it as we’re flipping without logs

There’s no way in hell that a townie would have this train of thought unless he had additional information on either me or Psycho.

I was reading your guys’ D1 patterns from previous games

Then explain to me why you first assumed Psycho would flip scum and now you’re wagoning me?

it’s not like I’m going into this blind, you know

Well, if Psycho ends up flipping Town, then you’ve got even more explaining to do

Cause can we backread ? I just wanna learn why are you thinking that .

I first assumed Psycho would flip scum because of the different claims he had alongside that hunter test, and accusing you almost out of nowhere early on, and I’m not wagoning you, it’s just in between to tell whether Psycho is a VI right now or had a failed scum bus

Most of the time the best way to figure out how people’s metas play out is to actually play games with them; it’s very easy to grossly misunderstand people’s metas if you just look at their ISO and aren’t invested in the context.

Just pointing this out.

I disagree. Scum!Psycho wouldn’t think of making reaction tests. As you saod - they would try to blend in.
This was oposite of blending in

this was in games where I was playing with them

the problem is that Psycho would no longer be able to blend in and go deep after that vote post.
I think you’re being a bit too hasty to clear Psycho purely based on that; daychat most certainly is a thing.

lolreactiontests btw

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Fine, let me ask you a question. How have your views on Psycho progressed from his initial accusation posting to now?

Another stupid vote.

Insanity would care more about the game if he was scum. That is town indicative slip.

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Hey I just woke up, can someone explain what’s going on please?