Ace Attorney Forum Mafia - Town Victory!

obvious AtE

As scum, I can imagine him trying to claim a hunter-like class to make me back down, but doing that would be just terrible play as it’d attract way too much unwanted attention to him.

/vote Sarun anyways

OKAY KIDS, here’s what LAMIST means: It means


It is what you use to refer to someone delbierately pointing out that they did something that is town indicative in order to say “you can’t lynch me, I’m townie”!

It does NOT mean whatever the fuck some of you people think it means! It does not mean fishing for towncred and it most certainly does not just mean “generally suspicious”.

Remember kids, LAMIST is an actual word. Words have meaning.
If you don’t know what the meaning is then don’t use the word!

Ok so since most of votes are already on Psycho lemme do this.
/vote @Htm
Reason of this he said should i really read 500 post at start of d1 and didn’t post after that.Let’s see from you boi.


that’s WIFOMGUS good sir, not OMGUS
i get it, you’re trying to lolreactiontest me
now can you stop

We had two shitty tests already, Hip.
We don’t need another one.

flies away on magic cape after successful mission

fun fact; pressure votes don’t work if you out them as pressure votes beforehand

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Also, am I the only one concerned that scum may be hiding among inactives due to the sheer amount of players in this match? SFoL28 was manageable due to the multiball element and that we had several TKs while FE we had ITAs to deal with them. Here, unless we have something like a slank vig it’ll be difficult to deal with them.

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Sarun has got into 3 conflicts and I tr all of their opponents (and one was me) so either theyre a TvT master or is more likely scum.

/vote Luxy

From all people on Psycho wagon they were creditgrabbing if Psycho flipped town.

Voting Psycho and saying they don’t think Psycho is wolf is a very nice setup to “I told you” situation despite not making any effort to stop it.

I am forcing him to post tbh.Not for reaction test.As i know scum htm=inactive htm

can I join this wagon without being accused of sheeping?
and will we form a townbloc if this flips wolf?

Err, I tunneled on you because I didn’t read your posts that were buried in spam, so my fault for missing the context. Meanwhile Psycho’s posts were just weird and I don’t necessarily think there’s that strong chance of them flipping town, so yeah.

also by the way I’m townreading eevee despite the fact it will inevitably go wrong

@Alice could you please look at the ‘reactiontest’ fresh from a new angle? I think it’s an ubershit reaction test and says literally nothing about your allingment but I believe that Psycho would put a bit more effort into it if he was gambitting as wolf.

This actually kind of makes sense here. Luxy is also more experienced than Insanity so I honestly doubt that he’d make such a terrible mistake as Insanity’s stance on Psycho. I will ISO him in a moment.