Add a N6+ BD ability to solve being late game converted into loss

Also If the majority doesn’t like suggestions, they won’t be added to the game. And if you are going to give a salt-powered suggestion, you should be expecting these responses.

I still feel bad tho

So there is no such thing as “getting converted into a win” ?

This whole game is built around converison. There is flaws to converison. There is flaws in the game because of converison. Yet doing this just makes the evils want to bang their head against the wall every time they fail a convert because of this.

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converting into a win super late is also not the best mechanic.

when anyone has played a match and lasted into the later nights like beyond N8, they’ve done a lot to contribute influence how their faction is doing and then the fact that it can flip immediately is chaotic/fun? but from a remotely competitive standpoint it’s flawed.

going for a convert on someone who may have checked this option isn’t considered a fail

It kills them and destroys their logs and bypasses healing. It also drops their body 1 day delay.

this ensures unseen got similar value from using the ‘convert’ ability regardless of the result, but ensures that a BD who has made it that far doesn’t have his win condition flipped when the game is potentially not winnable for the other faction

Yeah let unseen kill two people per night and add nk to that. Three people per night and this shit instantly reduce their claimspace so much that they will get executed.

Also conversion =/= killing a bd, removing their logs(which is quite useless after n5 or n6)
Conversion means a plus vote and a free class that can help the unseen more than a dead bd with burned logs.

do you want unseen buffed or nerfed? 5 minutes ago you were screaming that it buffs BD when unseen “cant convert”, showing that you never read my original post and then I remind you guys that the failed conversion results in BD death, now you scream Unseen too strong

you have literally nothing better to do than sit on a forum for a game like this and disagree with people for the sake of disagreeing, I feel sorry for low IQ monkeys like yourself

How’s this scenario for ya

Prince, physician, CL, Knight, non-starting king, alignment unknown.

The knight cses the CL the same night the CL converts him. So now it is Prince, phys, knight, unknown aligned king.

The knight, being converted, knows that if he bleeds he gives away the fact there is a cult leader, so he declares an evil king and tells the kingdom that he killed the cult leader and is thus proven

The King dies, and the prince jails the phys, the CL still has an eradicate and is thus able to kill the prince.

So, sometimes it is possible to pull a win out.

We’re saying the point is bad!

Yes, we are all dumb low iq monkeys here arguing against your perfect suggestion. We all should bow to your highness.

Also your suggestion is so bad that I can make points on both sides getting buffed and nerfed.

P.S You still have some salt and it is leaking out. You should probably close that leak mate.

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If this suggestion were to be properly balanced, it needs to also kill another random BD because in theory conversion is the same as having a KPN of 2, at least in terms of ratio BD:Unseen

I propose if you make it so Good kings also die when the ability is used, or in absence of a good king, another random BD, and then I think your suggestion has far more viability

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But that could instantly confirm EK to unseen if he doesn’t die. Also, smart BD will notice, especially if ass has already used 2for1

when you relentlessly trash a suggestion that increases the stability of the game, it just shows that you’re bad players at the bottom of any game who usually want to push for changes that involve more random chance over changes that reward skillful play.

your win condition as BD is you do what you need to do to benefit your faction. when you’ve been doing so the for 10 nights but then the last unseen facing certain defeat can decide to take away what you’ve been playing for (BD win) by making you not BD, that’s flawed.

The only time the MM wouldn’t know the kings alignment would be if it was the starting king, this limits the omniscient nature of the ability to this instance

Look at this tough guy, attacking people for disagreeing with his terrible suggestion.
He obviously doesn’t understand how social deduction games work.

I can feel the salt from here, you really need to close it.

Why do you care about the loss of 30GP anyway? It’s all cosmetic anyway…

When the game revolves around conversion, you have to expect an amount of instability, no? Some people are going to be more obvious when they’re converted than others. People will have a range of different reactions.


Say you’re against prince and GK and you and the game isn’t over, sure, life sucks. However, if there is even an ounce of unconfirmability, you need to go hammer and tong to do everything to benefit your NEW faction.

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