Add a one time night immunity bypasser to Knight

Many times I see the BD helpless to really kill the MM or NK once the Prince dies early. Especially when baddies have vote majority.

This could be balanced by giving Knights a one time use day ability where their next night’s CS is able to kill night immune classes.

Of course, this ability can be easily circumvented if the Knight is occupied or Possessed, thus it’s not really OP since it takes a conscious well planned decision to use it.

Considering that Knights die if they fail their CS, I feel that this addition would give them a bit of a fair boost.

If the baddies have vote majority, they should win.


Yes but when they also somtimes win when they dont have majority.

I had a game when bd had 6 members,and unseen had MM, evil king, and assasian.
when the bd voted the mm the king just forced pardoned. now its 5 vs 2 but mm convert 1, assassin kills 1 and its become 3 vs 3 unseen win.

Forced pardon should not protect the player from voting him again

You can still CS assassin in that case and after king force pardoned MM, you can put up evil king. Having force pardon not protect the player from being voted up again, would defeat the purpose of having force pardon.

Knights can already go through night immunity by guarding appropriately and can identify these night immune targets by CSing, failing and not dying. They are strong enough as it is. They are not princes and night immunity exists for a reason. BD should primarily get their kills during the day.

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Your numbers are off btw. In that situation the BD can still win by killing the assassin.

That and if you have a knight then he can CS the assassin and the evil king can be executed instead.

Next day it’s a 4v2 and you can simply vote out the assassin and then the MM to win.