Adjective Forum Mafia - Day 7 - Mafia and the Guardian Wins! (4/16)

I come back to this shit, four fucking pings

Literally he has given up


Celeste he gave up end him

:thinking: FK u know how sus that sounds if he didn’t say concede rite

Celeste he literally gave up we could lose you voting insanity stop

O ok

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Mafia could hammer this you have two votes


Okay, talk to me

Look at this

Cuz this is either A. A bus scenario or B. A confusing scenario

Sam and ici are confirmed to be mafia

Ici is the mafia doctor sam is the mafiaco

O ok makes sense then

Shouldn’t we kill Sam first then? They dont promote till end of night

/Vote Sam
That works as well

/vote Sam

we need to

So gamer can vote them

He still has that?
