Airlock Informed chat

if I was in the game I would just send hentai to the host and have them interpret it

(probably the way they would interpret it is /modkill marshal)


Nah the setup was just fun
my play was just the highest levels of shit

i still feel bad for the neutral evil that insta-lost when my team resigned.

how many people would send in joycats

/:up: :cat:

the best action is to make yourself a commuter by boxing yourself in with joycats


mod interpretation: “help”


best game

Paint your Evolution Mafia

every player gets evo points an draw the roles they want to evolve in to


:boom: :wave: :wolf:


my evolution is MITOSIS


:man: :arrow_right: :neutral_face: :dagger:

unironically i think paint your evolution mafia could be really fun

probably unbalanced but memes

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be sure to include pet

evolves into cat

i have to make a pet rolecard for grand idea

ty for reminder

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Which evolves into dog.

i don’t believe in devolution

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Dogs > Cats

i just realized how disgustingly broken this class is

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Emoji mountainous is a high tier setup

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