Airlock Informed chat

hey looser whats up

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It seems that eevee is asleep and the ship is set to be attacked in four hours if they dont warp by then

Seeking this chat’s counsel as to who i should kill and how long the new timer should be after the current one ends.

ask disco, not us. more fun that way

Eh imma probs kill light or something. Try to avoid triggering more peeks

Need help with how long new timer should be tho

I thought Light was bottom of PoE.


just keep italy alive I want to watch him suffer

he is but killing him is only way to get rid of all cops with no more peeks

italy broke pr today so he is guaranteed jettison

however his pr will be back tomorrow :smiling_imp: if he breaks it while dead, a player of the host’s choice that shares his alignment becomes guaranteed jettison

oh right thats a hing

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can you kill italy even if he’s garunteed jettison it would be funny

pet cannot die outside of airlock, so no

why is all of the memeing on italy mechanically disabled

it is my sole purpose

scum cannot win unless either of the following two happen

1. kyo cheeses everyone and is the only player alive before reaching the secret destination

2. scum get zone and/or appy revived

@Geyde other ppl can tell u, zone had a lolscum blunder of mythic significance level earlier today

of course
interesting maneuver

i’m not 100% convinced he wasn’t just gamethrowing cuz it’s zone but :man_shrugging:

Does he need Light dead? Light isn’t ship role.

he is a ship-aligned role.

ship-aligned roles include both crew and passengers.

Nvm I confused ship role with crew role.

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