Airlock Informed chat

like i said i was asleep when the shit happened and i never backread so idk what happened when he was good queen vs what happened after he was converted to evil queen

this setup is also just very strange for newcomers (we also had multiple ppl who never did BotF). I dont blame ppl that much for failing to understand how it works.

italy is suffering tho @Marshal he knows he got three town killed today, himself included, because wazza hacked the transporter chief and wasn’t online to talk when the italy v magnus thunderdome reached its apex so he murdered magnus and then got himself airlocked

cops bad
cops bad

this setup is invested with 'em
not much i was able to do attempting to be canon

if this thing ever comes back, there will be a big discussion thread first altering it from canon and making it better for forum

I think this is better suited for irl than forum due to sheer amount of cops

you can get away with more townsided stuff in turbo because it’s turbo

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ftr setup isn’t that bad
it’s just a big meme

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pet is a godly role and a setup that has it cannot be bad
it can only be poorly optimized at worst

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especially if I’m not the one randing it

I included all cops except engineer which is bad
Pet + hybrid in the same game was extremely stupid as i learned the hard way. Should have had stowaway instead of hybrid
this game is def winnable for scum

We gifted appy scum biologist (converts every day) with transporter chief hacking last night, but then zone got him killed


Zone also then got himself killed

scum biologist can just run off with the game so ehhhhh

yeah i know
But appy converted his old role (queen) and zone claimed queen
I think zone was oblivious to the fact that town-aligned alien roles had to die

read the op god damn it

only real chance scum had was that after they got mechanically obliterated by five day one peeks

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have to wonder
maybe the reason why village plays semi poorly is from fatigue from playing a bunch of games

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2 games at once good

maybe we can have a day or two break with no games

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