Neutral Support
Passive: Prepared - Immune to death N1Day Ability 1: Stoneskin potion - You will be immune to death tonight (2 uses)
Day Ability 2: Truth potion - Attempt to visit target player tonight. If you succeed you will learn their faction. Affected by frames (3 uses)Night Ability 1: Crimson potion - Heal target player. If you save them from an attack or status then you will cure yourself of bleed (5 uses)
Night Ability 2: Emerald potion - Kill target player (2 uses)
Notes: Occupy stops truth potion. The use will not be refunded. If you use truth potion and a night ability then you will be seen as visiting 2 players to an observer. Truth potion can be redirected by CW/Sage/Ritualist but not by Drunk/Alcoholic/Invoker. Being empowered by CW effects both truth pot and your night ability. Stoneskin cannot be used the same day as truth.
[Insert Goat pic here]