Alchemists are getting free pass by siding with BD as always, since there is literally no risk of dying at all. Evils do not want to waste a night, thinking if they actually ss’ed or not and they heal targets evils attacking, so they directly count as an extra vote and an extra healer for BD.
They should fear that evils attacking them if they dare to side with BD but unfortunately they dont. They have the luxury of openly claiming and siding with BD always…
Please nerf available stacks of SS to counteract this, so they wont be able to openly claim and
side with BD, while getting away with it. Its already hard to win against them when they have healers, its extra hard when they have immune healers…
Neuts supposed to side with the best and fearing they will be attacked by both parties but in Alch case, its just ridiculous. They are already healing targets evil wants to kill, on top of that they are immune… LOL