Alice’s Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp- Brainstorming/Criticism

Big sis who taught you how to “OwO”

did you know that i didn’t know what 11037 was when i first played
at all

i am not smart and people should understand that

hold up

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Hawa hawa


No you don’t. It was hard work :kappa:

mass /pre-in pog

alice please don’t add a big fucking rolelist literally day 1 completely killing any and all claimspace


Yeah, I learned from my mistakes in DRI.

I’ll join or co host. I don’t mind.

The mastermind This game is effectively Tsumigi-esqe and therefore needs to know exactly what they are up against as they are in danger to be yoloed.

Imo they should

  • Know the talents of other players and their role skills (At least in a base form.) Exact stats hidden.
  • What happens in the school (Solved by Monokuma alt to monitor other rooms)
  • The information left around in the school (At least, in areas easily accessible)

This is a join, right?

In before Moleland rolls Mastermind again LUL.

Or co-host

I…kind of want a more solid answer here. Either positions are open.

Mine’s like 90% ready but I’d also be very surprised if I’d be able to host it before school starts, so yours can jump ahead.


School starts in 33 days for me and I don’t think I’ll have enough time to host it by the time it’s my turn.

Mastermind. Reasoning… Simply the name Koga makes me think of a mastermind and it reminds me of… someone.

I am fairly sure this is going to be a Lawyer and I already love it.
I would also guess this person to be the Agent

The Traitor, my gut says will be Ryoko
As for the wildcard… Hideyoshi.



Probably won’t have time to play.

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this character will be a wildcard who’s objective is to provide absolutely nothing of value and be nothing more than comedic deadweight

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i know it doesn’t say yasuhiro, i just wanted to make the joke

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There go my plans to root for you.

what about me