Alice’s Danganronpa 2: Despairful Panic at the Hopeful Camp- Brainstorming/Criticism

Ultimate Shitposter
Ultimate Gamethrower
Ultimate Dangan themed game poster

Ultimate Skills Wallets

:eyes: I meant informed spectator, but okay.

Oh lmfao.
I zoned out, my hype knows no bounds.

PKR is going to get himself killed immediately to join informed spec chat


Fuck he’s gonna kill someone


Double murder

If you join spec chat, you may not sub or join again.

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I’m pretty sure I won’t have time anyway.
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Me, kill?
Not at all, I am no killer.

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This is a bad idea

yet I still want it to happen

amelia and i are going to become double blackened and then get both caught literal minutes into deadly life

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italia kills together
italia dies together
mostly dies

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Given that there won’t be any cafeteria-type public area, would it be possible for specs to be added to the actual rooms? (not sure how difficult that would be)

No fun allowed

I’m kind of completely reworking the cafeteria, or the Cafe as it’ll be renamed the new map I just finished making.

How did you make this game so fast?

Viola, the Dorado Archipelago.


Bungalows replace the dorms. It better fits the tropical island theme as a homage to SDR2, plus I like saying the word bungalow. Bungalow, bungalow, bungalow.

The Cafe still has the same mechanics as it was in the previous games, however the Cafe, the Kitchen, and the Outdooor Dining area all frequently close from time to time which causes its occupants to return to their bungalows. This is done so the dumb meta of camp the cafe to become an IC gets removed.

Bridges replace the commons areas, so as before don’t bother investigating them as they’re just empty places that serve as glorified pathways. As you can see there are plenty of pathways that blackeneds can take to not get themselves outed.

The Rs with numbers? They’re a secret. As you all progress you’ll learn more about what these rooms entail.

This is a fairly basic overview of the map. It’s a bit large, but it’s going to facilitate killings so it’s a huge plus.


I’ve been continuously designing it since DRI finished.

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is this literally just DR2

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This also means I can drown people more efficiently