Alternate Account Applications

I can’t let you do that star fox

Hello children welcome to “always hover links 101”


I cheated and just looked at quoted post preview

but clicked it anyways cuz its fun

that was just anarchy

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This should answer all your questions. Please read the OP and the rules

Rule 23 has been added.

Thank you again for your patience as we find and fix problems.
Feel free to ask questions below.

can you use 1 account for multiple games

I wanna b frankie

i see no reason not to be able to

I want to be Gaga

You cannot

We allow alts in order for people to play games without the burden of meta.
Allowing alts for multiple games is equivalent to allowing people to create secondary accounts, which we can’t allow.
The identity of Frankie is already public, so its basically the same as if you were playing on Marshal.



frankie good
marshal bad

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could you give other people access to already existing alts in order to game

is this your way of asking me to free @BenShapiro2

well yes but actually no

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lol i remember being benshapiro that was fun

… you have read the OP, haven’t you?

of course I’ve read the op
alts are only meant to be one time use
but recycling them could prove interesting

After being put into practice and seeing how this affected games, the Moderators have decided to alter Rule 21 of the FM/FoL Rules, which read:

Do not discuss/speculate on whether or not a specific account is an alt of a given player.

From this point forward, it is up to the host’s discretion whether or not players are allowed to speculate on the identities of alt accounts, but unless specified, it is defaulted to not being allowed. It now reads:

Do not discuss/speculate on whether or not a specific account is an alt of a given player, unless the host allows players to do so.

Along with this, Rule 22 has been altered in a similar fashion. This rule read:

Do not tell other players your identity if you are using an alt and your game has not ended. If the host requires you to clarify your identity to them, you must do so.

From this point forward, it is up to the host’s discretion whether or not players on alternate accounts are allowed to reveal their identity, but unless specified, it is defaulted to not being allowed. It now reads:

Do not tell other players your identity if you are using an alt and your game has not ended, unless the host allows you to do so. If the host requires you to clarify your identity to them, you must do so.


Ben Shapiro


I’m just coming here to state that I still find it stupid that we have to treat alts, specifically obvious alts, as new players. We aren’t stupid, we can clearly tell when something is an alt but just pretending for the sake of the game is just bad.

Honestly, alts are just bad.