Alternate Account Applications

I’ll allow alts if I’m aware of the identity and moderators have no advantage over someone using an alt
Otherwise I just wouldn’t allow them tbh

This is a possibility. But some players make alts in order to avoid negative interactions with certain hosts (which, if this is the case, you should probably tell us so we can help sort it out)

There are some behind-the-scenes reasons why we would rather have users create their own accounts, rather than hosts/moderators, but if a host specifically requests this, I don’t see a huge issue with it

The suggestions i asked for were adopted so this post no longer applies, at all. Please ignore it. I will not ban alts from my game as all the TMI-based concerns are now fully eliminated.

In which case they probably should be avoiding the game all together rather than hiding behind a mask
I’d be incredibly disappointed if someone had an issue and decided to avoid me rather than discuss it, and rather mad that they decided to not talk with me as well

I’m aware that sometimes players are in games that you can avoid
That’s fine, because they are there for the same reason as you
But that’s incredibly scummy joining someone’s game as an alt for that reason tbh

So I’m in support of the public alt account thing where we have mundane names
Or I’m also in support of having the hosts request alt accounts for players inside of their games

So basically anything that uses the host as a middleman

I’m actually thinking it might be best to remove the google form, and have players go directly to a single Moderator.

This Moderator will be unable to join the game.

If there is a Moderator who is hosting/reviewing, they will not be joining the game regardless

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if this is a thing, I will permit alts in my games.
The only thing i care about is being able to certain as both host and player that no player has TMI on the identity of any alt in the game.

I dont really understand why all mods would need to converge to discuss whether or not to permit the creation of a particular alt

IMHO every mod on this site is incredibly skilled and should easily be capable of making whatever determinations are applicable on their own.

Okay so this is weirdly situational but what happens if you think someone is a certain account because of the way they are posting, and you accidently slip their name.

I almost slipped Alice name a couple times when they were in a game with their alt


if it’s an accident we won’t punish you for it (sort of like how we didn’t punish Nappy for accidentally posting his night action in the game thread for SFoL 61, even though obviously this was a severe breach of integrity :upside_down_face:)


and seth in RMIV

Severe breach?
That was titanic-sinking levels of breach in the hull

ping me if this becomes a reality ever @mods
if it does, my incredibly negative outlook on this current alt proposal will reverse

It was
Quite something alright

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I’d allow it as well but I still want to be known of their main, which could just be a custom policy in my games
So I’m okay with it

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/Nightkill Arete

Oops guys

Unsure yet if i care about knowing the identity of alts as a host
what i do care about for sure is ensuring with certainty that all players have absolute zero tmi


Are players prohibited from telling people in private of their alt