Alternate Account Applications

tbh I submitted an alt application (however form is now delet) but I probably don’t intend on alting any time soon

maybe if I wanna do a playstyle change or get hated

I’d honestly be very intrigued to play alt games, purely because of absence of meta.
Will likely join the first one as soon as its hosted.


One is going on queue now.

why do y’all have poles up yalls asses about this

like fr

the good outweighs the potential bad ten fold to me

wait i just realized
is there anything explicitly saying that alts cant join a game in addition to the primary account (or another alt of the same primary), in a game with alts allowed?
because of course that shouldnt be allowed, but it might be good to get that in writing if it isnt already

Perfect game
Every player is an Isaac alt

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and then theres me, whos 100% natural play is scummy by default for some reason, and so if i play in an all-alt game im either recognized or scumread

Of course that shouldnt be allowed unless it was designed into the game like Ben Shapiro

Updated OP. Games will be defaulted to not allowing alts.


Added a lil’ thing

Should be common sense but

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like i said, best to have it in writing, so theres no possible case for “i didnt know it wasnt allowed”

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also not speccing/backuping/hosting

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it doesn’t say at once

so that rule bans alts


Can u unban Hipp0lytus

no even in the most technical sense i dont believe that applies given how its written

i just want hippoiytus

It’s a travesty that Hippolytous gets to keep stomping out but Hipp0lytus is still banned

Did you file an application?

Can we apply for ownership of a dormant old alt