Alternate Account Applications

I made him like 3 years ago but recently he was banned for being alt

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Did you read the OP? Alts are still not allowed, unless in explicit exceptions like stated there.

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I think these sentences are explaining it already pretty good

No I just read title aint no one got time to read op

This is a BETA TEST

This may or may not work out well. If automod freaks out, weā€™re going to drop the program~


Players with alts are gonna have advantage just for being alt which is eh

I half like and half dislike the idea of there being alts.

Itā€™s great because then if there was an anonymous FM it could work very well

But if not then some people may end up struggling due to using meta. Though this could be used to push people out of using meta as a comfort zone.

Donā€™t think so. Both your towntells and your scumtells are gone.

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You arenā€™t pressured into meta and itā€™s usually used for scumtells

Thatā€™s kinda the point

Meta is not something you do on purpose. It is something you do unknowlingly.

ftr the easy solution to hosts not knowing who alts are is just to have every host ban alts from their games unless they are informed about it beforehand


Yea but otherwise u are pressured to watch what you do to not fall into it

yeah thatā€™s the point
My scumtell is being awful at progression. Whenever I play scum I know I should try to make a better progression.

this is going to make things harder for new players isnā€™t it


All players will have the option to use an alt. Itā€™s not particularly the alt programā€™s fault if they see it as more advantageous over using their main.

That would mean u have to play with alt unless u want to lose advantage

Itā€™s alts program fault because using it is advantegous And therefore needed for better play in most cases

then go play alt everygame hja

That way you can allow angleshooting And if someone thinks it gives unfair advantage you tell them to angleshoot everyone

having anything other than an all-vanilla game allowes angleshooting