Alternate Account Applications

still on the people mis-reading them. :man_shrugging:

makes alts easier to hide too.
say person a is really bad at obscuring their meta. so even if they use an alt, everyone will know its them and it will be no benefit.
well, say they do that anyway. and its no benefit. at first.
but then, multiple other people get alts, and play into that person’s meta in order to get easy tr’s.
suddenly, its not so clear who’s under the alt, even when they’re under the distinct meta. thus the person in question can use an alt effectively

but then the question is do we want games to possibly devolve into alt mindgame memery madness instead of actually trying to improve townplay lol

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it could devolve into that, theoretically, but i dont think it will.
all that it means is that the meta, no matter how obvious it might normally seem, ceases to be a consistent factor.
which is how alts are supposed to be

I personally don’t like them