Alternate Account Applications

I mean, I think it’s a fair concern to have, is there like any way to know for a fact that moderators aren’t using their powers for an advantage in games. I don’t know who would, however I think it’s a fair question to ask if there’s something that prevents it.

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So far the mods have given us no reason to doubt their integrity
im fine with chloe’s response until if and/or when things change on the above statement

We won’t get any reason without any audit logs

please add a bit more clarification to this in the OP, stating something like “Each alt account may only be used for one game and then must be discarded” @Chloe

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I don’t doubt the moderators integrity. However, players/hosts should not be expected to blindly trust people in positions of power based on reputation. People spend weeks on designing setups, and people may even spend longer playing a game here. The least we can do is to make sure they are safe with the knowledge.


Also, I’ve done some research

Discourse has built in staff logs.

what information that would be relevant but not TMI / compromising in terms of including too much information to the users do audit logs contain? i am unfamiliar

I don’t know, but look at this statement

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It logs every moderator action that moderators take.
Users cannot view them but it’d ensure that moderators do not run rampant with moderator powers.

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I’m also incredibly confused at that statement as well and I want to know what unintentional influence they gain
The only thing I could ever think of is flagging automatically inviting every moderator to a DM
But if there is more I would like the playerbase to be made aware

what malevolent actions could moderators theoretically take without the knowledge of any users?

Like do you know how many scenarios I can think of? They disabled the fact that people can see when someone last posted? How about a moderator, can they bypass it?

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Literally anything xblade implements.
You could even have a plugin that ghost-invites players into rolecards.

Forum Mafia Rules have been updated with rules 20 and 21. Let me know if there are any changes you believe should be made.

Obviously I’m not saying xblade would allow mods to cheat
I’m saying that a moderator plugin he has installed may have a few commands that unintentionally give an advantage

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changin’ now

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Honestly this is very likely.
Moderators are usually granted by default bypass to any restrictions that users are given.
Tbh the restriction was probably made on a universal group everyone is in.


If Xblade can bypass it
Mods can, unless he’s specifically put not to

the “last post” thing was a Discourse-wide change

Tinfoil Theory

All the moderators are bots designed by Xblade to keep us under control

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