Alternate Account Applications

have you ever seen xblade and a mod in the same room

no, have you?


yes, of course


kat and chloe are the same person right?

I have seen a picture of xblade with a cat

kat = cat

so chloe = kat = cat

and iā€™ve seen xblade and a cat in the same room



Moderators have access to a log of mod actions, yes. Without this, it is easy for mods to do anything they want with no consequences - so it exists so that no mod can abuse their power.

There are ways that we can unintentionally stumble upon information that can be angleshot. (Like yes, if you flag a post, it invites all Mods to a PM, so save flagging until after the game unless absolutely necessary aaa)

But I trust the other mods to not use OOG info to their advantage, and I personally promise you that I have not cheated. If I ever got information that I otherwise wouldnā€™t have access to if I werenā€™t a mod, I would ask for a replacement. Same should go for anyone who may have info regarding someoneā€™s alignment, etc, that they shouldnā€™t have.

I think the pros of actually having people to moderate outweigh the tiny possibility that something might be slightly angleshot


you heard it here, the moderators want to oppress us

Fuck English btw, that sentence can be read two ways

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I mean
This isnā€™t even unintentional gain of information. Just donā€™t check the logs if youā€™re in a game. Isnā€™t there likeā€¦ 3 mods
eevee is hardly ever in games

we dont

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So it was flagging a post that was the unintentional gain of information
I thought it was some sort of conspiracy viewing-last-posted information


Iā€™m still slightly paranoid moderators are hiding a way they can see into our PMā€™s even without flags

but thatā€™s just because I am a paranoid person

conspiracy debunked :sunglasses:

havenā€™t you heard

if you cut off one head two others grow in itā€™s place

This would be in the audit logs

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i donā€™t think heā€™s going to play in any more for a while after the way he lost insurgency to RNG
In his own words, he just keeps getting ā€œsadder and saltierā€.

None of the games here are actually competitive
There is no point in tethering to a game

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Rokugan FM but everyone shadow corrupted has to use the same account


Isnā€™t this like
Always behavioural issued anyway
The only way I see this happening is if itā€™s tmi of knowing it isnā€™t fake AtE
But even then if it gets as bad to the point someone is flagging a post moderator intervention shouldā€™ve happened anyway

Also wanna thank you guys for helping me spot problems with this alt stuff

I got overly excited that we got the go-ahead, and apparently didnā€™t get enough eyes to check it out

(to be clear, im not blaming the people who gave me the go-ahead. sometimes you dont spot things without public discussion)


also now we can have hydras

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I am just very

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