An Empty World [Automatic Regeneration...]

Ok 1 million Gold Pieces.


you dont question how eli manages to hear you and take your money despite literally being out of any sort of physical dimension

Wait what the frick give me back my sword

oh yeah
here’s the 1 million gold pieces

I am an NPC, the code didn’t specify this

your insides are now gold

intensify fucking died

h0ly shit

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intensify’s body melts into kool-aid

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I mean I should’ve saw this coming, but one last bit of info. The Sword of Madness injects all types of drugs into your target whenever you hit a Crit… bleh


you wake up in a research laboratory

you are also on a massive cocaine and lsd high

you are having the time of your life

brb need to film something

k nvm 1 sec

you cant film anything in the void

there is literally nothing

what would you even film smh my head

Hmm actually since I just died Eli could’ve literally robbed my entire store and nobody would’ve noticed at all, but now it’s too late


i like that you just painfully died, then revived, then were transported to another dimension all while tripping balls and youre worried about getting robbed

even when the entire universe is imploding

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Meh, this isn’t the first time I’ve died.

you hear angry shouting in russian

you arent sure how you understand russian but you do now

roll a d20 to determine if its a hallucination or not

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