Angleshooting in Forum Games

angleshooting is a form of cheating

Morals are subjective tho

Not that I would ever do this, but imagine being 2 people in a private chat Out Of Game and you both just decided to RPS to see which one of you kills the other in a TvS situation.

I would say, cheating is a form of angleshooting. Angleshooting is a big case, and can be everything, from cheating til completely harmless. While cheating is harmful in every case.

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I think the cases where this causes the biggest problems are the ones where it doesn’t feel like cheating to the person doing it, but it does technically qualify as angleshooting (I’m thinking of a specific example here but I don’t know if the person in question is okay with me posting it).

“But it’s not written down” :upside_down_face:

I appreciate how you see that some of these are silly and not really worth arguing about. It’s similar to for example twilight posting. It’s a common mistake, sometimes occurs due to lag. People get warned for it, but almost never have received punishment for it. It’s still and should be against the rules as the moment hammer is hit, the day is over and communication should hit a standstill. Quickhammering remains a valid strategy, because of this.

The heavy hitters here everyone agrees on, so there is not really an use in writing it down somewhere. I haven’t seen any communal outrage against how hosts have handled things yet and I think once that would happen, it’d be worth considering, but before that meeh. I’m not going to spend my time on it at least.

wanna do the Teleo example?

If I am the person in question then I’m fine with it.

generally when i refer to morals i’m using base christianity morals.

though morals are a product of culture and upbringing (iirc)

She’s the person in question, yeah.

Warnings are punishments.

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But put “for your information” for it and it’s not a punishment anymore right? :roll_eyes:

Why is it against the rules if no punishments ever get carried out?
It’s just a rule that is worded badly to cover all bases. Which allows abusing.
OGI just words it better.

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warnings are not punishments.

unless your warning is like a 3 strikes your out kinda thing

Punishments, at least in my games, would occur if it is done intentionally and repeatedly after getting a warning for it. This hasn’t happened so far with twilight posting.

I’m orientating myself on this, and with us warnings are punishments. Warns lead to suspensions (or blacklists, in our case)

I’d be a fan of something like
Warn > 1 month blacklist > Perma blacklist

Or something like that.

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i generally keep a strike system unless there’s a large integrity breech which requires a mod kill

In a strike system I’d be killed in my first few matches as newbie :wink:
but yeah, I know what you mean

i’m an unholy mix of fm and org rules h e l p