Angleshooting in Forum Games

I’m just confused what u actually want. To get rid of blacklists and warnings for people who actively leave games without reason?

I was replying to you. I’m saying that leaving without a good reason is true because angleshooting is a global rule and therefore will be considered sufficient enough to punish someone, and should not be avoided. Which is a problem.

It is a rule that can be broken an indefinite amount of times without the person even being aware after warnings. That is a problem.

Players do get warnings though for angleshooting. I have 3 times

Because you didn’t understand what was considered angleshooting?
That is why it can be broken an indefinite number of times after warnings.

Like Smaug with his little chink in his scales

all it took was one arrow to kill him

same can be said with angleshooting

Hm, going back to the quickhammering point that was brought up earlier (yes I know we’re not really talking about that right now), it just occurred to me that there are situations where following the rule could allow for some form of angleshooting as to who the scumteam members are – e.g. if an Apostle or something like that lowers the number of votes necessary for an execution, the people who immediately stop talking at what would otherwise be L-1 are in effect outing themselves.

there’s not an easy solution to this I just like thinking about edge cases.

Yes but after I reached out and found what it meant it made sense to me. They were early games too

It took you three warnings to even have a grasp at what the rule is.
That. Is. Bad.

Yeah it is. That’s why if the thing Orange posted early was in the global rules it would have been way easier. I’m for, for getting the word spread


It should be in the global rules,

but, people usually expect the players to not angle shoot, and try to break their game, but it still happens anyways

Angleshooting can be subjective, yes, but it’s not healthy for FM, as it can hurt the game and the players who were affected by it

Basically, it’s like a common courtesy for people to not angleshoot

it’s like manners at the dinner table

Manners at the dinner table don’t allow you to go on unjustified, unpunishable witchhunts.

Wouldnt be against spirit of the game

Not to mention that it also allows you to victim-blame and get away with it. Oh, and have them punished as well.

if you dont have manners, then yes, you will be warned about it.

if it continues, then you tell them to leave, cause they are affecting everybody else at the table.

Manners at the dinner table set who is wrong and who is right. Again,

It allows victim blaming. There should be no holes in the rules that allow victimblaming. Especially not in global ones.

Angleshooting hurts games and people

Three Strike rule should be applied

Angleshooting does have a bad rep, but that’s cause it has ruined games in the past.

Then I dont know what to say to change your mind, or look from a different perspective

People are given warnings to when they do it. if they continue doing so, they are willingly going agansit the hosts word, and the host can kick the player, as they are willingly disrupting their game that they made, and took weeks to make.

If a player manages to find a strategy in a setup they should be allowed to use it.
Not because the host decides that it puts it in someone’s favor and they didn’t think of that strategy.
If it’s trully broken then it should have been banned prior to the game. It’s the fault of whoever was moderating the setup before it was finalized.