Angleshooting in Forum Games

Then why is it banned if it’s useless?

i classify that as OGI than Angleshooting

It is not? :eyes:

It’s overpowered, not useless.

If there’s no strategy, then

Explain why it’s overpowered.

I’m having a very hard time looking at these two sentences.

May I remind you all of old ToS spy? Where it looked at mafia chat anonymously?

Now, that ability barely did anything, but it restricted mafia play because mafia were constanlty aware of the threat of its’ presence. It didn’t win games, but it ruined the mafia’s ability to have fun.

Unrestricted looking at bleed times would have a simmilar effect to a smaller degree.

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oh god fuck old ToS spy

I’m sorry, I just like to use words to mean what they mean.

Tbh it also won games since omniscient motion detector is absurd

oh i agree, but the most toxic ability was undoubtedly the chat reading

I wouldnt call it toxic…

People already look at bleed times.
Why would that make a difference if it’s unable to be mentioned or not?
Why are we giving Cult/Unseen a handicap just because they can’t deceive town with literal prequeues and other means of deception?

So it’s not the fact of bleed times, it’s the restriction of them.

Strategy does not mean a tactic, something that people can do that is strong in games. Strategy is where you have to think about the gamestate and make a judged tactical decision.

Looking at the time bleeds are given is not strategy, it’s a braindead tactic.

:open_mouth: Whoah, I believ you now.

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sigh tactical is not a synonym with tactic

No. It only becomes a ‘braindead tactic’ in your mind because you think Cult/Unseen are unable of using methods of hiding the fact they were in the thread at that time or unable to throw shade on another person.

That’s ridiculous. There are plenty of ways Cult/Unseen are able to deceive town with bleed times.

but it is

maf insulting the spy, spy stopping maf from having fun, maf being unable to really communicate and having to try to say their plans in a convoluted way, etc etc


yeah, but they’re similar (but still different), like tactic is a noun and tactical is an adj